What Color Is the Sky Song Lyrics?
EntertainmentMusic often transcends language and culture, evoking emotions that resonate universally. One song that beautifully exemplifies this is “What Color Is the Sky?” from the beloved animated movie Coco. This song, performed by the character Héctor, is lighthearted, playful, and full of love. Its lyrics may be simple, but they carry a depth that connects with the listener in unexpected ways.
Lyrics Of The Song
What color is the sky?
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You tell me that it’s red
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
Where should I put my shoes?
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You say, “Put them on your head!”
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You make me un poco loco
Un poquititito loco
The way you keep me guessing
I’m nodding, and I’m yessing
I’ll count it as a blessing
That I’m only un poco loco
The loco that you make me
It is just un poco crazy
The sense that you’re not making
The liberties you’re taking
Leaves my cabeza shaking
You are just un poco loco
Un poquititi-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-to loco!
Understanding the Lyrics
The song begins with the question, “What color is the sky?” The character asks this seemingly straightforward question, and the response he receives is surprising: “You tell me that it’s red.” This answer is not what one might expect since we typically think of the sky as blue. However, this unexpected answer is the first hint at the playful and whimsical nature of the song.
The repeated phrase “¡Ay, mi amor!” adds to the song’s charm. In English, this translates to “Oh, my love!” The use of this phrase throughout the song gives it a warm and affectionate tone as if the singer is addressing someone very dear to him. This phrase also reinforces the idea that the song is not just about literal meanings but about the emotions and connections between people.
Playfulness and Whimsy
The next lines, “Where should I put my shoes? / You say, ‘Put them on your head!'” further illustrate the song’s playful spirit. The suggestion to place shoes on one’s head is nonsensical, yet it perfectly captures the whimsical nature of the characters’ relationship. It’s not about logic or reason but about having fun and enjoying the silliness of the moment.
The refrain “You make me un poco loco” (which means “a little bit crazy”) is the heart of the song. The phrase “un poco loco” is repeated throughout, emphasizing the idea that the singer is being driven a little crazy by the unpredictable and unconventional behavior of his loved one. However, it’s clear that this “craziness” is not harmful. Instead, the singer embraces it, finding joy in the unpredictability and excitement that his loved one brings into his life.
A Blessing in Disguise
As the song continues, the singer reflects on this “craziness” by saying, “The way you keep me guessing / I’m nodding, and I’m yessing / I’ll count it as a blessing / That I’m only un poco loco.” Here, the singer acknowledges that the unpredictable nature of his loved one keeps him on his toes. He never knows what to expect, but he considers this a blessing rather than a burden. The phrase “I’m nodding, and I’m yessing” suggests that he goes along with whatever comes his way, accepting it with a smile and an open heart.
This acceptance is key to understanding the song’s deeper meaning. It’s about embracing the quirks and eccentricities of those we love. Rather than trying to change them or expecting them to conform to our expectations, the song encourages us to celebrate these differences. It’s a reminder that love isn’t about perfection or predictability; it’s about finding joy in the unexpected and the unorthodox.
A Little Bit Crazy, But Full of Love
The second verse further explores this idea with the lines “The loco that you make me / It is just un poco crazy / The sense that you’re not making / The liberties you’re taking / Leaves my cabeza shaking.” Here, the singer admits that the behavior of his loved one doesn’t always make sense to him. The phrase “The sense that you’re not making” highlights the confusion that often accompanies love, especially when two people see the world differently. However, this confusion is not presented as a problem but as part of the charm of their relationship.
The phrase “The liberties you’re taking” suggests that the loved one is not afraid to bend the rules or challenge conventions. This rebelliousness is something the singer admires, even if it sometimes leaves him bewildered. The final line, “Leaves my cabeza shaking,” captures the mixture of amazement and amusement that the singer feels. His head may be shaking in disbelief, but it’s clear that his heart is full of affection.
The Musical and Cultural Context
The song “What Color Is the Sky?” is more than just a collection of playful lyrics; it’s also a reflection of Coco’s rich cultural context. The movie, set in Mexico, draws heavily on Mexican traditions, music, and language. The use of Spanish phrases like “¡Ay, mi amor!” and “un poco loco” adds authenticity to the song and helps to root it in its cultural setting.
The music is lively and upbeat, with a rhythm that encourages dancing and movement. This aligns with the song’s overall tone, which is full of life and energy. The combination of playful lyrics and vibrant music creates a song that is not only fun to listen to but also deeply meaningful.
The Universality of the Song’s Message
While “What Color Is the Sky?” is steeped in Mexican culture, its message is universal. The idea of loving someone despite—or perhaps because of—their quirks and eccentricities is something that resonates with people from all walks of life. The song reminds us that love isn’t about finding someone who is perfect but about finding someone who makes life more interesting and joyful.
The refrain “You are just un poco loco” can be seen as an affectionate way of acknowledging that everyone has their quirks. There will be moments of confusion, surprise, and even frustration in any relationship. But these moments are part of what makes the relationship unique and special. By embracing the “craziness” of love, we can find happiness and fulfillment in even the most unexpected places.
“What Color Is the Sky?” is a song that delights in the unpredictability of love. Its lyrics are playful and full of whimsy, but they also carry a deeper message about the importance of embracing the quirks and eccentricities of those we care about. Through its lively music and affectionate words, the song encourages us to find joy in the unexpected and to celebrate the “little bit of crazy” that makes life so much more interesting. Whether you’re singing along in English or Spanish, the song’s message is clear: love is about more than just understanding—it’s about celebrating the beautiful unpredictability that comes with it.